James Lawrence Nishimuta
Julia Ann Lopez

James and sister Juli Ann Nishimuta

James, sister Juli, and wife Julia

Name: James Lawrence Nishimuta

Born: July 4, 1955, Lawton, Commanche County, Oklahoma

School: Konawaena High School, May 1973. University of Hawaii 1979 (Bachelors in Radio and TV)

Married: Julia Ann Lopez, May 11, 2024 (Christine Agatha Vellalos divorced May 1991) 

Residence: Los Angeles, California

Hobbies: Motorcycles

Talents: Video Production, Photography, teaching, Telling bad jokes

Matthew Gregory Nishimuta and Uncle James

Kara Nishimuta with Uncle James

I worked in the TV industry in Honolulu from 1973 to 1984, doing camerawork, lighting, sound recording and videotape editing at various tv stations and for commercial production companies there. I married Christine Agatha Vellalos in Dec 19, 1981. (We divorced in May 1991. We did not have any children.) I moved from Honolulu to Russell Kansas for 1984-85 and I was a director at a tv station there. I moved to San Diego for 85/86. In 86 I moved to LA and worked there in the video industry for a year before going to work full time for Scientology doing video production and satellite broadcasts. I had been in Scientology since 79 and wanted to do full time work with them. I remarried in 91 to Julia Ann Lopez in Los Angeles and we are living in the Scientology center headquarters in Hollywood. I recently phased over from the audio/visual field to management, and am actually now teaching management courses.

Julie teaches also.Besides management, we also teach courses in education (how to study, how to teach), business administration, and personal counseling. We help in drug rehab classes and also teach communication skills at various levels (personal, group, business). We love our work and it is obviously a rewarding type of activity. Most classes we teach are self-study of prepared materials, but we supervise and help students of all levels. I spend my free time motorcycling in the many mountains around southern California, and do a fair amount of off-road motorbiking as well.

You can email me at [email protected]. My younger brother, Stephen will relay those messages to me. I would love to hear from friends and family anywhere.