Loretta Marie "Ret" Conroy
(Peter T Pennell)

Name: Loretta Marie Conroy

Born: June 2, 1950, Kansas City, Missouri.

School: Pius X High School, Lincoln Nebraska, 1968. Eastfield College, Dallas, Texas 1973.

Married: January 1973, Dallas, Texas


bulletChauncey Patrick Pennell, 1976
bulletBenjamin James Pennell, 1981
Email: [email protected]

Residence: Lincoln, Nebraska

I am living in Lincoln, NE and only by the grace of God did I wind up back here. I know that God has plans for me here for the time being. I would like to move back to California someday, the climate is warmer and much more to see and do. I really loved California the best of all the places I have lived. That is my home.

Chauncey joined the U.S. Navy. Graduated September 2000. He was stationed for two years at Port Hueneme, CA. There he met and married his wife Linda on October 13, 2001. He became the proud  father of a six year old and she is grandma's special little girl. I was truly blessed to get a great daughter-in-law and a become a grandma all the same time. The are now stationed at Norfolk, VA. They were transferred in January 2003. They will be stationed there for five years.   Chauncey and Linda Pennell are the proud parents of a new baby son. His name is CYRYLL JAMES PENNELL, he weighed in at 5 lbs and one ounce, dark black hair and was born on April 25, 2003. I now have three grandchildren and hope they continue to add up for grandmother's sake.

Benjamin is a proud father of a beautiful little girl. Her name is JAELYNN MARIN PENNELL and was born on October 8th, 2002. She weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz., 21 inches long. She came out with a head of black hair and is beautiful. Looks just like dad and Mom of course. I was blessed to be there for the entire delivery. I cannot describe the feelings of seeing your granddaughter born. God has blessed me so much.