Questions and Answers

  1. How can I have an email address like [email protected]?
  2. Can I have my own web page on this net?
  3. I need help on the internet.
  4. Who is Mike Nishimuta?
  5. What is a Nishimuta?
  6. When is Mike at home?

How can I have an email address like [email protected] ?

Just email Mike and ask for it! He can set it up to forward to your normal email account.

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Can I have my own web page on this net?

Sure, email Mike and ask him to make one for you. He'll need some text, facts, and pictures. Send the pictures as "jpg" types.

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I need help on the internet...

Send me an email and let me know what kind of help you'd like. I have some excellent resources available, including a collection of 300 courses on-line.

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Who is Mike Nishimuta ?

Visit his home page here.

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What is a Nishimuta ?

Someone who plows the western rice field.

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When is Mike at Home ?

Hardly Ever.

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