In 1868, The Meiji Restoration in Japan begins as the
Emperor Meiji oversees an era of rapid modernization, creates a conscript
army, and abolishes the samurai-class ranking which has defined order in
Japan since the 1600's. Education is reformed, a constitution is created;
a parliament established. Victory in wars with Russia and China will begin
the dominant period of Japanese nationalism and influence leading to World
War II.
In the 14th year of the Meiji Restoration, Kutero (Or
Kyutaro) Tateno was born in Izumi City, Kagoshima, Japan,
on February 24, 1881, to Kuzaemon Tateno and Yae Idenoue. His
cord is wrapped in rice paper, inscribed with his name and time of birth,
6 pm. He was the firth of six children, with brothers Kijiroo, 14 years
older and Kitinosuke, 7 years older, and two sisters, Turugami, 10 years
older, and Sue, 4 years older. Five years later, a son Kutsusaki would
join them. There was another figure, possibly his mother's child by
another man, whom he always considered his brother and mentor. This was
Kiemon Madarame, 19 years older than Kyutaro.
The year Kutaro was born, his grandfather, Kyugorou died
at the age of 77. These Tatenos were sixth generation descendents of
Manzaemon Tateno, a Samurai who lived in the 1600's and is listed in the
1620 "Izumi Kyodoshi" or History of Izumi. They lived in Kyushu, the Southern island of Japan, where
winters are mild and palm trees grow. Kyushu is closer to Shanghai than
Tokyo, facing the East China Sea. Those who live near the balmy Sea
are fishermen, many others till the ancient volcanic land where vegetables
can grow in the winter, and rice fields abound. Izumi City is a small town
just a few miles from the sea, and about 30 miles from Kagoshima, the
Prefecture Capitol. Sixty miles to the north across the bay, lies
Nagasaki, a city which will be remembered in history.
Kutaro was well educated, beginning primary school at
age 9 and eventually attending the Meiji Gikae school in Kagoshima and
high school in Tokyo. When Kutaro is thirteen, 150,000 Japanese
invade the Manchu Empire in Korea as Japan seeks to wrestle control of
Korea from China. At age 19, Kutaro receives his first draft notice. The
next year, he receives a conscription notice while in High School in
Tokyo, but is deferred. In 1903, Kutaro graduates from high school at age
22, while Russian and Japanese tensions are rising. On February 8, 1904,
The Japanese Navy launches a surprise attack on Port Arthur, beginning a
two year war which ends in Russian defeat. We find a document in Japanese,
dated February 28, 1905, signed by "Kutaro Nishimuta, of Samurai
descent, Izumi, Kagoshima, to the conscription officer of Kagoshima,"
which results in a deferral to continue college.
On May 7, 1904, Kutaro changes his surname from
"Tateno" to "Nishimuta." While it was common for only
the oldest son to keep the family name, we are unsure why he chose this
name, although it appears to be a name which was near extinction. We also
do not know why he chose to leave Japan, but in his hand-written diary, we
will find exciting details of his new life across the ocean.