We'd like to know what you think about your web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors. Any news about yourself would be welcome. These comments will remain on the web. We'd like to know what you think about your web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors. Any news about yourself would be welcome. These comments will remain on the web.
CommentsI hope you will stop by and add your comments! Mike
CommentsMichael, you are doing a wonderful job with this. How exciting! Love, Zoe (new addition to Nishimuta family)
CommentsMichael, This site is terrific! Hope all is well. We enjoyed you and your family's visit this past summer. Just had a Thanksgiving Day family dinner. Bobby, Pam & Kevin, Steven & Zoe, Keri & Tim with dog Athena, my folks Tony & Lydia and my sister Loretta with husband Charlie were here to share a 23 pounder with all the trimings! Feel free to post on our webpage any or all of the pictures you took of us while visiting last summer. We will try to get a digital camera for Christmas this year and include some action shots of Justin doing backflips and arials on his wakeboard. Hope you and the kids had a great Thanksgiving - and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all who read this note!! Peter (husband of Mary)
CommentsMERRY CHRISTMAS We just found the family site. We enjoyed all of the pictures and information. We wish you a happy holiday season. Love Michael(youngest son of Joe and Maxie), Lisa, Alex and Jet Nishimuta.
CommentsMike, since Ora and Steve told us about your family web site, we had to check it out. We hope you had a great Holiday and wish you the best for the year 2000. Sam and Helga Strong
CommentsWhat an interesting history. My comlpiments. Jack Haney, Tampa, FL.
CommentsThis is my second visit; couldn't take it all in on the first one!! An interesting array of photos to capture different facets, esp the children!! === "Winkie" Conlon, Austin TX, 03/25/00
CommentsHello all! I am Mari Ann daughter of Tom (son of Joe and Maxie). I just found out about the site, thanks to Edward (who actually told my sister Sharla about it). It's very neat to see family history. I am living in Stillwater with my husband Frank Cunningham (10 years in July). We have built a little house on 4 acres southwest of town. I would love to see/or hear from anyone!! My email is [email protected]. Kudos to Mike for setting this up! I'm sure we have never met; but you have done a really excellent job! Love to all and take care. P.S. I think my name is spelled wrong on the family listing page. No big deal, just don't let Dad know since (as I have recenlty learned) he came up with my name-spelling and all.
Comments5/28/00 Mike, Mom (Margaret Nishimuta Cavnar) and I spent 1 1/2 hrs on your site the other night. We loved it. We have a lot of information to add to it. Also, did you see the PBS special on 5/l9 about the 442nd? I made a video tape of it if you want it. Congratulations on your engagement. Becky Cavnar Giszczak ([email protected])
CommentsHi Dad, Guess who! Can't wait to see you soon! Love, Your kids!
CommentsI accidentally found the Nishimuta web site and was very impressed with it. I grew up with Ted & Tom at Schlegel (near Cushing) and was interested in reading about them and their siblings. As I expanded my viewing of the site, I read the story of Mike Nishimuta's trip to Japan and found it to very interesting. I felt like I was there. I just wanted to say that you have a great site and should be very proud of it. I encourage you to maintain and expand your family history. Many things will be lost for the younger ones if a good record is not kept. Best Regards, Wayne O'Kelley
CommentsMike Really enjoyed seeing the cousins and extended families. Congrats on your wedding. Take care, Valerie
CommentsCongratulations to Catherine and Mike on the occaison of their wedding day, July 1st,2000 We enjoyed the pictures on the website. Our best wishes for a great life together!! We are Mike's uncle and aunt from California. Our email address is ifiori@earthlink.net. Robert and Louise Nishimuta
CommentsMessage from South Africa: We are very sad to say goodbye to Mary Elizabeth Nishimuta for the second time! After exploiting our natural heritage (i.e. good South Africa Wines) the country will be experiencing a shortage over the next few weeks, while in Atlanta, the Nishimuta family has there wine-tasting festival. Mary has shared our national holiday - 'Women's Day' with us for the past two years and we certainly hope that she will come again next year. The legend of the Nishimuta's has reached the shores of South Africa. We hope that y'all will someday too come and experience an African adventure and also embrace it with such vigour, uninhibited fun and occassional reckless abandonment. More information on Mary or other travel tips, just call: Angie Ho Coca-Cola Southern Africa (+27-11) 644-0574 (+27-82) 496-8745
CommentsThanks Mike, We are greatly enjoying the Nishimuta web page. Congratulations, Mike and Catherine... enjoyed the pictures. The Aug 11 note is a friend of our daughter, Mary who as a senior in college (Georgia Tech) has had tremendous opportunities of travel in her co-op job with Coca Cola International. Two trips to Africa.... now she wants us all to go. She returned Aug. 12 and brought a bit of Africa back with her... wines from the African wineries. We will have a family wine tasting party on Labor Day weekend. Nishimuta's come to Georgia for a taste. We still have 3 daughters in college, two sons graduated, oldest one Kevin is married to Ena and live in Huntsville,AL with 2 children ( a 3rd on due in Feb). Our youngest, another James Nishimuta, is a senior in high school. Let's hear from some more Nishimuta's from all around the world. Love, Bea Nishimuta, wife to John Nishimuta (eldest of Frank's family)
CommentsHi, you met me at Arby's when i was asking you about you family. This site is Great!! Im in a rush right now but if you have some time maybe you could check out my site at www.retrobase.com/Chrono When i have more time i will check out this site to more depth, and im sure i will have some questions.. seeyou later --Michael aka Chrono
CommentsHi this is Juan and Boots. Michael we enjoyed your wedding pictures.
CommentsCatherine and Mike, belated greetings and many blessings on your marriage. May you have many years of happiness. Also, congratulations on the new job with TWA. We hope you will be able to stop in Tulsa, too. 'Tis so late I will stop and read more of the Web at a better time. Enjoyed reading the notes from so many family and friends. All our love, Edmund & Yvonne Zayat
CommentsHello to all. This is Mari Ann, Tom's daughter. Just got a new email address and wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I can't wait to show Dad this site. I would love to hear from any family or friends!! My email is [email protected]. Mari Ann (Nishimuta) Cunningham
CommentsSteven and I just want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! We have a new e-mail address: [email protected] And the exciting news is that you can send free e-cards of my animal paintings! Just go to Care2.com and click on e-cards and look for my name under artists. :) Also I have a daily e-mail called Gentle Thoughts that many of you are already on. Let me know if you would like to be on that list. Thanks Mike for putting this website together for all of us Nishimutas. Love, Steven and Zoe http://www.sacredanimalsongs.com/
Commentshello. im a cavnar, so im related to the cavnars on yoru pages. all cavnars who spell our name this way have a common ancestor, i believe. anyway, im clancy cavnar, a daughter of john leroy cavnar, and thats about as much as i know!
CommentsDear Paul, You will never guess who---Pam Glasgow Lathan, Betty Anne Glasgow daughter. Ron Dyke told us how to get here. We are in Springfield Mo. Mom is here with us. My e-mail is [email protected] (Betty Glashow 5422 South Hampton Springfield Mo 417-823-8224...Have a great Holiday. Your Web is wonderful. Hope to hear from you...Pam, Betty and Marvin
CommentsI love your website, as much as I have always loved the fond memories of growing up feeling as if I was a part of your wonderful family. Pam and Mom told me they have spoken to you and where your site was. You have a beautiful family. Write soon...Linda Glasgow Platman
CommentsHello Mike; this is your cousin Tara Nishimuta Fuentes. This is my first time visiting the family web site. I have really enjoyed reading about the family history. Hello to Juli. Thanks for the Christmas card. We have a new addition to our family. Olivia Akiko Fuentes was born Dec. 15th 2000. Our other children are Nicholas-11yrs, Emilio-8, Christian-7, Amanda-5, Katherine-2, and Olivia. My husband's name is Antonio. Our e-mail address is [email protected]. Best wishes!
CommentsHello!!! This is Christina!! Hello everyone!!!
CommentsMike, thanks so much for doing this. As a historian by academic training and as a member of the Nishimuta family through Margaret Nishimuta Cavnar's daughter Mary, I doubly enjoy and appreciate our family history. Please keep up your work as long as you can! Andrew Graulich
Commentsnice page
CommentsMichael - Great site! Your Mom was my den mother in Lawton, OK during the mid-60's (St. Barbara parish). My father Joe Gerik and my mother Margie Gerik knew your parents. Mom died in 1977 and Dad died in 1997. My sisters Anna and Kathy still live in Lawton. I live in Wichita,KS and have worked for Boeing for the past 22 years. Please give your family my regards. Mike Gerik [email protected]
CommentsHi, I am Brandon Spence the stepson of Ted Nishimuta II, I live in Nashville Tn, I've been here six years since graduating high school in Cushing Ok. I am a musician a singer songwriter and guitar player and am currently recording an album with my rock band SUSPENCE. The Nishimuta familiy is the only family I have really known and I have to say I am proud to be a part of them. I hope to meet you all someday as I know you are probably just as great.
CommentsGreat Stuff
CommentsI was so impressed with the tight family bondage. If I remember correct, Fr. James Kuze Nishimuta used to be active in Church at Yubari, Hokkaido when I was a boy. The photograph remind me him. Please let me know where he is now or his E-mail address. Naoki Maruyama [email protected]
CommentsGreat website! My name is Cory Pearson and I grew up in Shorecliffs--San Clemente, California. I was friends with Tara and Tracy until I moved away in 1977. My old friends and I are putting together a reunion for the community of Shorecliffs and would like to get in touch with Tara and Tracy. If you could pass my note to them, it would be highly appreciated. Thank you. Cory Pearson: [email protected] Regina Peterson: [email protected] |