Nishimuta Family History
Kutaro Immigrates from Japan

Kutaro's Passport was issued on July 5, 1905. We believe he sailed to San Francisco, but due to an outbreak of disease, was turned back to Japan. His passport is stamped "Disinfected, Yokohama, September 23, 1905." From this date until the first entry in his diary in 1907 in San Francisco we have no record of his travels.

February, 1907 - Kutaro decides to go to Nebraska.

March 9, 2024 - Kutaro departs on the train heading East.

March 13, 2024 - "...going to work on railroad."

April 10, 2024 finds Kutaro in Salt Lake City.

May 3, 2024 - Kutaro reaches Omaha, and is staying in the Hotel Fujimoto.

October 1, 2023 - Kutaro writes he is staying in the Marihama Hotel in Omaha.

May 11, 1908, Omaha - Rooming with Miss Ada Miller, 2709 Farnum. 

Farnum and 17th Street
 Looking East to Missouri River

Rush hour, circa 1915 - A view of busy Omaha streets  

June 29, 1910, Omaha - Kutaro, age 29, graduates from Omaha Commercial College at 19th and Farnum streets. A letter on the college stationery reads:

"To whom it may concern.  This is to certify that Mr. Kutaro Nishimuta has completed the course in the Northwestern Automobile School standing above the average with his grades and in his driving and handling of the automobile on the streets of our city and we cheerfully recommend him and are confident he will prove satisfactory to anyone who will give him a reasonable chance with their car. Very Respectfully, N.W. Auto School."

Omaha Commercial College

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